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Chronogram Market Updates and a Surprise

From December 20th 2023 to December 22nd 2023 at 9pm U.S. Pacific Time: all Legendary cards in the Chronogram Market will have a 30% rebate applied to them. Read this post to learn more and buy and sell those Legendary cards before the work week is over!

✨✨Legendary Card Deals✨✨ 
30% Rebate Through Friday!

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Hey collectors! From this very moment, through the end of Friday 12/22/2023 9pm U.S. Pacific Time, we will be refunding the buyers of any Legendary card 30% of the cost. You heard that right👂️ 

If you pay 3,000 Chronos for a Legendary card from another collector, Chronogram will refund you 30% of the amount paid (i.e. 900 Chronos in this hypothetical case). The seller still gets the full amount paid for the card. Win/win. Take advantage of this to buy and sell Legendary cards through the end of Friday, 9pm U.S. Pacific Time.

*Please allow a few hours for the rebate refund to come through :)

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